Tuesday 17 July 2012

Ascension - The Energy Hangover!

I decided to write this after having a conversation with a friend about moving into the 4th dimension.  As lightworkers, we are continually striving to get to and stay in the 4th dimension.  I was at that point throughout most of June and then landed with a splat back into the 3rd dimension which was a bit of a shock.  I hadn't really grasped what was happening until I asked for some help!  So I wanted to share this with you all as we are probably all going through the same thing. 
I started to do some research and found an excellent guide at: www.enlightenment4u.org/Ebooks/LIVINGINTHEFOURTHDIMENSIONEBOOK.pdf 

It says that we use the first 3 chakra's more when living in 3D which signify life energy (base), sexuality (sacral) and power (solar plexus), whereas in the 4D we use the higher chakra's more frequently, which signify love (heart), communication & empathy (throat) and spiritual & psychic (brow).  As these are used more frequently we move away from self to unity with others without the need for control.  We are awakening are psychic connections with spirit in 4D and I know that I hear my guides and higher self a lot more clearly when in 4D.  It's like everything becomes crystal clear and I know instinctively what to do.

We have all had a lot of different ailments, such as headaches, tiredness, flu like symptoms and we know these are all happening because we are ascending.  Some days you will be in 4D and others you will be in 3D as currently not enough of us are vibrating at the higher level to be able to stay in 4D all the time.  Hopefully, this will change quickly as having lived in 4D for most of June I do not want to be in 3D anymore! 

My experience of June, even with all the clearing I was doing, was amazing.  I felt full of energy and happy in the present moment.  I also got so much more done than normal as I knew exactly what needed doing and seemed to need less sleep.  I felt that I was on the right path and everything was good in my world even when I was stuck in a traffic jam!  Then I came crashing down to earth with a bump!  I was so tired all I wanted to do was sleep and then sleep some more.  I felt flat, not depressed, just flat like nothing really mattered and I was just going through the motions.  So I went with it and rested as this is what my body needed at the time.  By the 4th day of feeling like this I wanted to ask for help as I felt that I was never going to feel 'normal (4D)' again!  My guides were telling me I was downloading a great deal of energy and I needed to rest, but I didn't trust this, yes I still have trust issues sometimes as I'm only human!!  So I spoke to a fellow lightworker who is a great psychic and asked her what was going on.  She told me I was suffering from an energy hangover!  I had been so high in June and got so much done in such a short space of time that my body needed to rest as we haven't yet fully adjusted to being able to be in 4D full time.  As I look back over the year I can see there is definitely a pattern emerging of when I have felt on top of the world and then been completely exhausted.  These high periods are lasting a lot longer but then the 'energy hangover' also lasts longer! 

This was a lesson showing me how much I could achieve in 4D and how wonderful it felt, but also that if I go at 100 miles an hour during these periods my body will need a long rest afterwards.  So, the learning is all about finding balance!  I understand now when I'm in 4D vs 3D, so next time I'm there I am going to make a conscious effort to stay in balance rather than thinking yippee I'm back in 4D and use up all my energy in one go. 

We are all still trying to find our balance and it is not easy, so go with the flow and next time you find yourself in the 4th dimension 'stay calm and carry on'!  Don't let the energy hangover bite!

7/7/12 Energies & Beyond

Did you all feel the huge energy download on 7/7/12?!  I certainly did and it left me feeling very tired and a bit spacey!  So, I felt that I should add to my previous blog on clearing after yesterday's energies.

As I said before, we have been grounding the energies from June up to 7/7/12, ready to put it all into action for the rest of the month.  As everything is moving at an intense speed it felt right to pull a couple of cards to see what is going on!

I have chosen the Goddess Guidance oracle cards by Doreen Virtue this time as July is also about balancing the masculine and feminine energies.  I have pulled two cards and they are definitely in tune with what I wanted to talk about!  The first card is 'Aeracura - Blossoming' and it says "You are just getting started, so have patience with yourself and the process, and do not give up."  I think we are all feeling a bit like we have gone through the washing machine on a deep cycle, then straight into the dryer which has left us feeling a bit frazzled!  This card is showing us that we need to be patient as we have just finished drying out and we are now starting to blossom.  I love the word 'blossoming', it says to me that we are coming into our power and everything is going in the right direction.  They say patience is a virtue, but it is also really hard work!  I have been learning the art of patience all my life and even though I understand that things happen when the time is right it is still hard when you want to manifest everything right now!  So, for all of you that feel like me know that all the hard work you have done is starting to come together.  The best way to do this is to stop for a moment and look back on what you have achieved and how far you have come and be proud of yourself!

The second card is 'Mother Mary - Expect a Miracle' and it says "Have faith that your prayers have been heard and are being answered."  This is such a beautiful card and follows on from the first card, showing us that we can't give up now as we are just about to receive our individual miracles!  Our guides and angels have listened to us and we will shortly be manifesting our heart's desires, whether that is a new job, a blissful new relationship, new friends or finding balance.  Whatever you have prayed for, the doors are now opening for your miracles, so be patient! 

Allow yourself to receive this week as receiving is the essence of feminine energy, don't feel guilty about receiving as this helps you give more to others.  I use the affirmation "I am open to receive" daily as this is something I have had to work on.  Using this has helped me to open my heart and all sorts of miracles have occurred, so try it out for yourself and let me know what this brings in for you!  Be kind to yourself this week and know that new doors are now opening and when the time is right you will walk through with grace and ease.

Clearing, Clearing & More Clearing!

Phew, what a rollacoaster of a month June was!!  It felt like it flew by, yet at the same time I got so much done it felt like a year has passed!  For the first two weeks of June, all I did was clear, then clear some more.  I did more clearing in the space of two weeks than in the whole of last year.  June brought up a whole bunch of stuff I thought I had worked through, especially in terms of relationships! 

Now July is here and I have to say the energies are a lot easier to digest!  Although the last couple of days I have found quite heavy going and feel very tired.  My guides are telling me that I am still grounding all the energies fom June and by Saturday 7th July things will feel a lot brigher and fresher!

July has a very exciting feel to it and we all need to get out there and have some fun!!  There should be lots of social events happening this month and you deserve to let your hair down after all the hard work we did in June. Now is the time to enjoy yourself with family and friends and have some fun.
This is the month when we finish grounding everything we have learnt over the last 6 months of 2012 and the fruits of our labour start to show themselves.  Don't worry if things have been a bit stop/start recently as all this is about to change, but we may not see this properly until August, so be patient!
I have chosen to pull one card for the month of July 2012 from The Romance Angels oracle card deck by Doreen Virtue as relationships seem to be key to this month's energy.

The card I chose is 'Forgiving & Learning', quite apt for this month I feel!  The card says "As you release and heal your past, you experience more love in your present moments."  My guides are telling me that we all want love in our lives and when we want this so bad we can block the energy by putting up barriers. We all need to check in with ourselves to make sure we have released any old relationships, including any anger or blame.  Sometimes you have done all this, but have not forgiven yourself!  Once you are free of these old cobwebs you will allow love to enter your life.

Happy July everyone.